Polymer plywood product structure and scope of application


The polymer splint has a reliable and firm fixing effect. Less fixing materials, light weight, equivalent to 1/5 of the weight of gypsum, 1/3 of the thickness, can reduce the load on the affected area, reduce the load on functional exercises after fixation, facilitate blood circulation and promote healing.

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Wuxi S&Y Co., Ltd. is a modern high-tech enterprise, a comprehensive production factory integrating technology research and development, industrial medical product production and domestic and foreign trade sales. The main products are: polymer fixed bandages and medical polymer splints for external fixation supplies of orthopedics in hospitals;

The following editor of Shengyi share the product structure and application scope of polymer splint.

The polymer plywood consists of polyurethane, polyester-impregnated multilayer polymer fibers, and a waterproof non-woven fabric backing. It is suitable for fixing fracture sites, fixing swelling and injured joints, supporting the fixation of ligaments and muscle sprains, orthopedics for orthopedics, assistive tools for prosthetics, support tools. Local protective stent in burn department.

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